January 4, 2011

Report of ancient meat-fest by human ancestors disputed

World Science for November 15, 2010 reported on disagreements about claims that ancient humanoids butchered meat.

But in the new work, Man­u­el Dominguez-Rodrigo of Com­plutense Uni­vers­ity in Ma­drid and col­leagues con­clud­ed that the “tool marks” were more likely scratch­es caused by an­i­mals tram­pling across the bones, which at some point were bur­ied in shal­low, sandy soil. The re­search­ers com­pared the orig­i­nal find­ings with pre­vi­ous stud­ies that have ex­am­ined nat­u­ral pro­cesses, such as tram­pling, which of­ten leave marks on fos­sil sur­faces that can be mis­tak­en for tool marks.